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charcoal syrup

This syrup doesn’t taste different or affect your cocktails much, but it is super fun to make classic cocktails black for dramatic effect. Use the recipe for simple syrup below, and add one tsp of activated charcoal powder and whisk until blended!

The simplest of sweeteners, and cheap, simple syrup is made of sugar and water.

The basic recipe that will serve you well is a 1:1 ratio of sugar dissolved in water. 1 cup of sugar and one cup of water, stirred until dissolved and you’re ready to rock! We like to warm ours up a little to speed up the process and ensure a good blend, but it is not necessary if you don’t want the extra dishes.

You can make this in any volume that makes sense for your at home needs. Kept in the fridge it will last 2-3 weeks and will work in a pinch for most drinks, so it is a good one to keep stocked up!


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