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chicken bone broth

This is, typically, a two to four day process. We usually cook a whole chicken on Sunday, start the broth on Monday morning and strain it Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. We have the smallest freezer in the world so we don't have space to keep our veg scraps in it but we do try to save leftover bones.

You can drink this on its own or add it as the base to soups, stews, sauces, etc.


1 whole chicken carcass, broken down into pieces

handful of leftover chicken bones(we usually have leftover chicken wing bones)

2 celery stalks, roughly chopped

4 carrots, roughly chopped

4 onions, cut in half(peel two and leave the skins on the other two)

2 inches of ginger, peeled and sliced

leftover fennel(optional)

1 tsp black peppercorns

2 tbsp ACV

2 sprigs fresh rosemary

2 sprigs fresh thyme


Combine all ingredients in a large pot or dutch oven. Fill pot with water to cover. Let sit, covered, for 20 minutes. Bring water to a rolling boil. Turn heat down to the lowest setting and simmer, covered. Check on it every couple hours and stir. We are terrified to keep anything on overnight, so we recommend you start early early in the morning and start to cool a couple hours before you go to sleep. Store in your fridge and let sit overnight. Start the process again first thing the following morning. Bring to a boil, turn down, and simmer for the rest of the day. Again, you can either strain it the second night or let it sit in the fridge overnight and strain the following morning. You will want to strain it while it is hot, so, if you're doing it the following morning, heat the broth before you strain. Once your broth is strained, season it. We like to season it with salt, ground turmeric, and garlic powder.

You can season it with anything you'd like. Some people like to throw a lemon or two into their veg mix for a more lemon-rosemary flavor. You can add fresh turmeric into the mix in the beginning instead of adding it later on(we have done both but turmeric can stain, so be careful.) You can add coconut or MCT oil. The options are endless.

This can be stored in the freezer for a while or kept in the fridge for a couple weeks.


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