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falcon punch

Nothing will make you feel cooler than drinking a bigass punch out of a pineapple. If you’re going to make this drink, go all in and get umbrellas and crazy straws. You’re worth it, and this drink is too.

You can get a pineapple corer for under ten dollars pretty much anywhere that sells kitchen gear. Even if you make this drink twice a year, it’s worth it.

Hollow out your pineapple but be very mindful of the bottom. Leave yourself close to an inch of flesh from the bottom to insure it won’t leak. You can test it with water first to make sure!

There is no progression for beginners for the Falcon Punch. It is only what it is and it accepts no substitutions.


2oz light rum - we like Plantation 3 Star

2 oz dark rum - we like Plantation Dark

1 oz Velvet Falernum

1 oz Gin

1 oz lime

1 oz orange

1 oz cherry syrup*

2 oz pineapple juice

Garnish: whatever you fancy

Glass: whole pineapple, baby!

Shake and dump the whole thing, ice and all, right into your pineapple. Garnish with everything you’ve got. We love umbrellas, pineapple fronds, lime wheels, crazy straws, and sparklers(duh).

*Check below for recipe.


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