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fried chicken sandwich

Makes 4 sandwiches. Double it for 8!




1 Pint buttermilk

3-4 garlic cloves smashed with side of knife (3 if they’re big, 4 if they’re smaller)

2-3 jalapenos sliced into wheels (2 if they’re big, 3 if they’re smaller)

heaping tablespoon salt

1 TSP peppercorns

1 TSP coriander seeds

1 TSP mustard seeds


4 TBSP mayo

2 TBSP yellow or dijon mustard

2 TBSP ketchup

1 TSP sriracha

1 TSP garlic powder

1 TSP salt

½ TSP ground pepper


2 cups cabbage, thinly sliced

½ medium fennel bulb

1 medium sized shallot

3 green onions, thinly sliced

heaping tsp chopped parsley

tsp picked dill


3 tbsp rice wine vinegar

3 tbsp red wine vinegar

3 tbsp EVOO

S&P, to taste

¼ tsp ground coriander

¼ tsp garlic powder


1.5 cups AP flour

1 cup panko

1 TBSP cornstarch


1-2 quarts canola oil


2 Chicken breasts cut into 4 equal parts. Pound out thicker pieces so all four are roughly the same size and will fit on your buns.


Combine all brine ingredients in a big bowl that will fit in your fridge. Put the chicken in and make sure it is submerged in the liquid. Cover with plastic wrap or a silicone lid and leave in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours, but up to 24.


You’re gonna want to feel this one and taste as you go to make sure you’re hitting your preferences just right. Start with these measurements and adjust. If you like it a little spicier, go harder on sriracha. If your tastes lean sweet, amp up the ketchup! Mix it all together and taste it and see what your heart tells you to add.


Slice Cabbage, fennel and shallot very thin (Mandolin recommended if you are not confident with your knives). Finely chop parsley. Slice green onions thin. You can pick the fresh dill with your hands and rip it up! Put all into a bowl together and combine so it’s mixed well. We recommend using your hands to really get in there.

Mix all slaw dressing ingredients together and drizzle slowly over the slaw and continue mixing it as you go. You may not need all of the dressing. You want every piece evenly covered without it getting too heavy and wet.


Set up a station to keep you on task and minimize messes.

For the dredge: Mix together all dredge ingredients with your hands or a whisk to ensure it is thoroughly combined.

We fry in canola. The temp you want to shoot for is 375. See our Frying Tips, Tricks & Safety post if you are not comfortable with deep frying at home yet!

Take a piece of chicken out of the brine. You want it to still have a lot of the buttermilk liquid on it, but shake off the peppercorns and seeds if you can. Put the chicken into the dredge and make sure it is fully covered. Use your hands to gently pat the dredge into the chicken to ensure you have a thorough coating.


Slowly lower each piece of chicken into the oil. Gently nudge the chicken with your tongs to make sure it isn’t stuck to the bottom. Don’t overcrowd your pan, but put in as many pieces as will fit floating on the surface. Let them fry for 3-4 minutes, flip them over and let them fry another 3-4 minutes. They should be golden brown on the exterior without burning. If you’re new to frying, cut one of your thicker pieces open to check if it has cooked all the way through. All of the meat will be opaque and white. If you find your chicken isn’t cooked all the way through, leave it in the oil for an extra minute or two.

Take finished chicken out of the oil and set on your towel lined plate or rack and sprinkle with salt right away.

PRO TIP - The jalapeno slices and garlic cloves in the brine CAN ALSO BE FRIED! Use up the last of your dredge by coating them with the same method as the chicken and carefully lower them into the oil. A fry basket or spatula or metal strainer will be clutch in getting these out of the oil. Set on your drying rack or plate and salt!

DO NOT use a strainer that has plastic on it. If you are dipping anything into your oil, remember that it is almost 400 degrees and whatever goes in needs to be ready for that!


Griddle your buns by heating a TBSP of butter in a frying pan and settling your buns inside-down in the butter on medium heat.

Spread the snack sauce liberally on top and bottom bun. Put fried chicken on bottom bun with a generous handful of slaw on top. Drop top bun on and take photos to make your friends jealous.


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